Cerchiamo agenti di custodia
Concorso agenti di custodia 2025
Agenti di custodia in formazione (femminili e maschili) incaricate/i presso le Strutture carcerarie Lugano-Cadro.
In the event of an emergency it’s possible to contact the REGA rescue helicopter (Air Rescue Guard), the rescue team of the Swiss Alpine Club (CAS), the local
Police or an Ambulance .
How to sound the alarm:
Emergency medical assistance by air REGA
Tel (Within Switzerland): 1414
Tel (From abroad): +41 333 333 333
Emergency radio channel 161.300 MHz
Colonna di soccorso del Club Alpino Svizzero (CAS)
Tel (Within Switzerland): 1414 (Rega) or 117 (Police)
Tel: 117 and 112
Tel (Within Switzerland): 144