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Relazioni e poster
Bordoni A, Leoni-Parvex S, Peverelli S, Mazzola P, Mazzucchelli L, Spitale A. Opportunistic screening strategy for cutaneous melanoma does not change the incidence of thick lesions nor reduce mortality: a population-based descriptive study in the European region with the highest incidence.XXXIX Réunion du GRELL. Geneva, 28-30 mai 2014. |
Bordoni A, Leoni-Parvex S, Peverelli S, Mazzola P, Mazzucchelli L, Spitale A. Clinical-pathological characteristics of cutaneous melanoma in the european country with the highest incidence: a population-based study, 1996-2011. 78° SGPath Annual Meeting. St. Gallen, 8-10 November 2012 |
Martin V, Leoni Parvex S, Bordoni A, Mazzucchelli L. New molecular markers in melanocytic skin lesions. LXXV Riunione Annuale della Società di Patologia. Locarno, 5-7 novembre 2009. |
Bullard JL, De Weck D, Fisch T, Bordoni A, Levi F. Population-based registration on phenotypic, anatomic and familial data for melanoma: results from a Swiss multicentric study. XXXI Reunion GRELL. Palma de Mallorca, 24-26 maggio 2006. |